The “Imagine” scholarship will be awarded in memory of Sarah Kristine Friedman, a 2007 Eastview graduate who lost her life to cancer in 2013 at the age of 24. Sarah was a volunteer for a number of different social justice causes, attended St. Cloud State University, and was an intern for Governor Mark Dayton at the time of her passing. During her treatment and subsequent terminal diagnosis, Sarah continued to give selflessly, and was always a strong advocate for tolerance, inclusivity and social justice.

This scholarship will be awarded to a student who, likewise, gives selflessly of themselves in order to improve and support the lives of others in need . The “Imagine” scholarship recipient is passionate about making a positive difference in the lives of less fortunate people. To be considered for this scholarship, detail in essay format what you may have already done for others, and/or how you plan to be involved in contributing to the community, local or larger, and why it is your passion to serve others in the coming years.

If you would like to contribute to the Sarah Friedman Imagine Scholarship, please click here: